As many of you know by now there are two things in the world that Julius goes absolutely bananas over, but for those that don't know, Julius goes ape for Cheetos and Ruffles chips. Now, something that we've been doing lately here in the Bigfoot Home is finding 'healthy' snacks we can make from home for cheaper. One of these snacks are 3 ingredient onion dip and of course, onion dip means we break out the Ruffles chips. And not just any Ruffles the cheese sour cream n' onion chips! We're highflyers in the Bigfoot Home haha
Anyhow, this comes at a price, for the moment the Danger Nugget hears the bag crackling, he expects the chip tax to be paid. The issue for Julius is that he's been getting a few too many snacks lately and has unfortunately been putting on some weight. And his Mama being the good Mama she is has issued the decree that Julius is not allowed to have any snacks until he drops some weight, she even went so far as to tell Dad that if she catches him giving Julius snacks Dad won't have any more snacks. Needless to say, Dad was in a catch 22... Imagine Julius's frustration when we told him the new rule. A few moments later we woke up to this view and Julius growling...
Did Julius get his snacks? Are we going to stand firm despite everything he throws at us? Check back in soon and find out