To say that Julius isn't adapting well to his new Texas home is to put it mildly. The Lil' Nugget has adapted quite well to his new home! He's learned the humidity is great on his skin, how to talk with what we can only assume is a Texas draw, and most importantly he was able to convince Mama to get him a his very own cowboy hat! And its here where Julius really came into his own for the moment, he put it on he started yelling "yee haw" at the top of his lungs, it got to the point where we actually got noise complaints from the neighbors. We had to tell the little guy that if didn't knock it off that he would get his hat taken away from him and to our surprise he actually calmed down.
But then, to Jax's horror, he found something new to do and that was to learn how to ride horses by using his brother Jax as a noble steed. If Jax wasn't so horrified and annoyed, he might have actually been honored to have been labeled a "noble steed". However, the boxer reacted about just as well as you'd expect much to Julius's annoyance. Will Julius embrace more of the Texas lifestyle? Think Julius will learn to BBQ next? Check back in every week and find out!