Many of you are aware by now that Bigfoot Pet is moving to Texas. While we did our best to let you all know, as it turns out, we forgot to tell our dweebs the big news. Jax and Julius seemed to have taken the news well in fact going so far as to sit by the door expecting to leave at that exact moment. Imagine their surpise and tehir frustration when we told them it'll be a few weeks. But there is one dweeb that seemed to take the news hard. After getting the news Little Abbi went to the couch and looked out the window as if to say, "What am I going to do with my life now?". She ended up sitting like that for a couple of hours and it got to the point where we started to get worried. Turns out the little girl wasn't upset by the news at all! She just fell asleep; can you believe that? She got the news and passed out! Does Abbu care about the move? Is she up for an adventure? Check back in soon and find out!