Owning a parrot comes with a set of challenges that nobody is ever truly prepared for. Ranging from their ability to make messes that rival the worst a hurricane can do, to being so loud that people miles away turn their heads in worry, to probably the most annoying trait of all their plucking. For those that don't know plucking is the act of a bird pulling out their own feathers, now this can come as a result of a few things, whether that be stress, poor diet, terrible sleep, and even the result of lack of attention. So, imagine out concern when we came home one day and saw that Julius decided to give himself a bald spot smack middle of his chest. Saying we were freaked out is putting it mildly, because in our minds, we take very good care of our little nugget; he has a very healthy diet (supplemented with the occasional treat), he has a specific bedtime routine, and at any given moment he's getting some kind of attention. So, what gives? After thinking about it, we came to the conclusion that the Lil' Nugget is over apartment living. The strange noises coming from the hallway, the walls, and even from outside have unfortunately started to take it's toll on our little guy. How do we fix this? Will Julius ever look like his old self? The answer is yes! Dad just needs to get his act together and get his little nugget a house.