The Bigfoot Home had a major event this week, we had a Jurassic Park Marathon! Normally this wouldn't be at all out of the ordinary as Jurassic Park is one of Dad's favorite movies and we watch it fairly often but what made this week all the more interesting was what the Lil' Nugget took from the movie. After being called a "little raptor" for the last year, Julius decided to live the part and become said raptor. What we mean by this is, the little dweeb started hunting everyone. He's hop off his cage and silently stalk any unfortunate soul that happened to walk by and when they least expected it, he attacked their feet with a fury that only a cockadork such as Julius could muster! But in reality, being the clumsy little dweeb is, Julius was rarely suttle in his actions leading his would-be victims to guess his intentions from a mile away.
Do we still have all our toes? Is this just a phase? Is Julius sick and tired of watching Jurassic Park? Check back in next Tuesday and find out!