Anyone who lives, has lived, or even passed through Colorado knows that it is truly the land of extremes. Having both deserts and mountains, lots of trees and no trees, and most unique bipolar weather one moment it can be hotter than hell and sunny next you can have an intense thunderstorm bearing down on you. This was something Julius experienced firsthand this week during our weekly adventure. The trip started out rocky when we couldn’t find Julius’s leash but ended up working out when we reached a compromise and off, we went. However, the Colorado heat wreaked havoc and after 20 mins we decided to call it a day but that’s when we saw what was waiting for us. A Colorado thunderstorm, now this proved to be an experience for the Jules bird as the wind threatened to take him to the land of Oz and the thunder raddled his beak. But like the trooper he is he led the way back to the car and suggested a movie to watch that night.
Will he be able to take on the storm next time? What will the next adventure be? Check back in next week and find out!