Snow days in Colorado are a rare sight. With our mountains and weird climate, it takes a lot for the day to be cancelled and I mean a lot but this week something rare happened, we actually had a snow day! And the drool face slobber monster couldn't have been any happier. Both Mama and Dad stayed home where they made hot chocolate with marshmallows, a big breakfast of pancakes with whipped cream smiles, and best of all Dad bought the entire Jurassic Park collection which led to an epic day of dinosaur chases and naps! And when he finally made it outside, he got to test out his new snowshoes and sweater meaning he could keep up with his sister as she ran around having the time of her life. When asked about how great today Jax was replied with a mixture of barks, grunts, and drool along with his smile we assumed means he was having the time of his life. But like all good things this day unfortunately had to come to an end. Will there be fun days like this in the future? Are there other things in life that can put a smile on the Boxer's face? Check in every Wednesday and find out!