Anyone who has siblings knows you're either the annoying one or the one who's getting annoyed and in Abbi's case she often finds herself the annoying sibling. Whether it be Julius or Jax she finds a way to pester her brothers! And this brings is to today's adventure and to be honest we're surprised by Jax's reaction. Being the old man, he thinks he is the boxer decided to take a nap on his favorite spot on the couch and promptly passed out. Meanwhile, Little Abbi was going through the indigently of having Mama trim her nails. Once she was do she got some water and then made a beeline for Jax and promptly sat on him. And it was from there she let out her award-winning smile and refused to budge. Much to Jax's dismay. What surprised us even more is other than a grunt, Jax didn't do anything to get her to move and they stayed like that the rest of the night. Does Jax Actually love his sister? Is Abbi a punk? Is there chaos in the Bigfoot home? Check back in next week and find out!