It's a sad day for boxer dog A.K.A Jax as he was given the worst news a boxer of his stature could have ever heard. News that made it possible for a droopy face to droop down even more, what is this news? It was the news that Mr. Jax would not get the privilege of joining the family for Sunday dinner. To make matters worse for the poor boxer, we're having one of his favorite meals BBQ ribs! Talk about an unfair life! But not all hope is lost for Jax as he has an ace up his sleeve and that is his Daddy. Over the years, Mr. Jax has learned that if he makes himself look sad and pethedic as possible, Dad will cave and give him some. Did it work this week? Did this dog's frown turn upside down? YES! Be sure to check back every week and find out if Jax's siblings have learned his tricks!