When it comes to being cute Julius knows a thing or two. Something else this little dweeb happens to knows is when someone is about ready to take a picture of him. This uncanny ability even extends to when the Jules is asleep or at least when we think he's asleep.
The Jule Bird as you know by now lives a hard life with a typical day for him including but not limited to eating breakfast, irritating his Mama, snuggling with his bubba Jax, playing with one or two of his many toys, and watching whatever movie or tv show is playing on the tv. For a guy like Jules it makes for one exhausting so much so that the bird wonder of the world needs to take several naps throughout the day.
When you see a cute boy like that sleeping anyone with half a brain feels the need to take a picture of it and show the world! But alas the Julius has put a damper in my plans... But we'll keep trying! One day we'll be able to get a photo of him sleeping!