The boys in the Douglas home have learned an unfortunate truth a truth they have learned to use to great effect. These dweebs have learned that if they give Dad a cute or pitiful face that they can get him to do whatever they'd like. Whether that be giving them extra treats, letting them on the couch (when Mama made it clear they are not allowed), sleep on "special" blankets, or worse of all occasionally even get apart of Dad's dinner. Unbelievable, right?!
So what happens when a cockadork decides to use the same trick? Well to put it mildly all hell breaks loose! This little dweeb gets snuggles, gets treats (Cheetos are his favorite), gets new toys, and even on occasion a bath! Is there no end to this madness?? You may be asking where is Mom in all this? Why does she allow such tomfoolery's to persist?
Well the answer to that is that the boys have learned not to do it when she's around and those few times she is around they've learned to do it when she isn't looking... They have truly learned and exploited Dad's major weakness and that is that he's weak...
What do you think? Would you cave to this face? Or will you see it for the trap it is?