What do you get when you combine a neediness, stubbornness, and a dash of impatience? You get a boxer dog named Jax! Could Jax be waiting on dinner? Could he be waiting on Dad to take him outside to go potty? Could it be the Julius getting attention instead of him? Or maybe perhaps a combination of all the above? Nope! This face was in fact the face of a sad doggo that wanted a toy he was not allowed to have just yet. Over the last few weeks, the Jax has torn his favorite rope toy to shreds and Dad wanted to surprise the boxer by “fixing it”. The boxer as you can see was not amused that it was taking so long and let Dad know. Do you want to know more about Jax’s everyday life? The wacky adventures that happen throughout the week. Be sure to check out @jax_squishyface on Instagram and never miss out!