As the photo suggests, our Little Abbi has been sentenced to a term in time out for the sole crime of not listening to her pawrents. This little dweeb decided to take it upon herself to terrorize her brothers in what can only be described as the most brutal way possible. Now, before your mind goes somewhere negative, we mean brutal in the sense that she was relentless. It started with her using Jax as a pillow as she jumped off the couch on her way grab Julius's tail feathers. Then escalated to her coming back around to body check the boxer knocking on his butt and then from there she reeled back around and succeeded in pinning Julius to the ground as he came to Jax's rescue. As a bratty little girl she claims it was all in good fun but that "fun" landed her in the slammer. She's set to serve a term of 10 to 20 mins
Did Abbi serve her full sentence? Did she bat her big brown eyes and get Dad to spring her? Check in next week and find out!