As a lot of you are aware of by now Julius is a bird of many emotions. One moment he can be a snuggle butt and the next he can be a vicious raptor hell bent on the destruction of everything and everyone around him. And that brings is to this week's cockatoo sized adventure. We were watching the modern version of True Grit and right when the shooting at the end of the film started Julius took that opportunity to launch his attack. It was then with all the force he could muster he chomped down on Dad's finger. Sending Dad into a rage and ready to take the cockadork's head off. Luckily for the Julius, Mama was nearby and got him to safety before Dad's wrath could descend upon him, in other words she sent Julius into 'timeout'. A few moments later we heard a little squeak and looked up to see a little face peaking around the edge of his cage as if to say "I sawry I bite you Daddy".
Do you think Julius is really sorry? Did Dad ever end up forgiving the Lil Nugget? What do you think?